
Pete Bernardo is a product strategy and marketing expert who provides strategic guidance to early-stage startups and builds his own products. Pete leads Switchyards Design & Development which was created to be the best place for B2C founders create and launch their product. SD&D provides a single source for design and development talent that’s curated, priced right and experienced at building B2C startups.

Welcome to Jekyll!

Jul 16, 2017

You’ll find this post in your _posts directory. Go ahead and edit it and re-build the site to see your changes. You can rebuild the site in many different ways,...

How to Instantly Improve the UX of Your Design

Jan 31, 2017

My friend, Thomas Bishop, posted the other day what is the single best piece of UX advice you have ever gotten. What is the best piece of #UXdesign advice you've...

This project is maintained by petebernardo